First, I want to say that you are a wonderful, smart, strong woman. You managed to push through so much and still smile, you make me proud. I want you to know that the way people treat you is not a reflection on you as a person. You treat people with respect and love and sometimes some people take advantage of that. You always remember that what you feel in your heart is what is always right, no matter what happens. All that I can ask is that you continue to follow your heart because one day, you will find the right people who will appreciate you and love you for who you are.
I want you to always pray, in everything you do, just pray. God is with you always and he will take care of everything for you. God wants nothing but the best for you. He wants to see you accomplish so much. He makes things hard for you because he wants you to see not only the good but the bad. He wants you to learn and be the best you, you can be. He has someone great for you. He just has to build you up so that you don’t repeat the same mistakes on this great person who you deserve so much. This person is also going through what they need to learn so you two can come together when the time is right. Always remember that!
I want you to stop being so hard on yourself. Love yourself a little more. Do not give people who do not deserve your time or attention your heart. Remember that love is returned always.
When you get into a mood or feel too depressed to go on remember you have two people who need and love you. Try to be easy on them in these times. They do not understand what your feeling or what is going on. Do not go into your shell. Keep your head out and see the way that God put them in your life to help you get out of these terrible moments. Laugh a little at their silliness. And yes, I say moments because that is what they are. Just small moments that you will get over in time.
I want you to stop searching for a quick fix. There is nothing wrong with you. You do not lack any vitamins. You do not have a mental condition. You do not have a sickness that needs attention. You are 100% healthy, you are just around crappy people.
I want you to laugh. It is ok to laugh. Be free. Be silly and dumb and just all over crazy. People will not dislike you because of it. People will not look at you differently and will not think you are an unlikeable person. They will love you more and respect you for your individuality. And if they do criticize you, cut-them-off! NO ONE, NO ONE, IS ALLOWED TO BREAK YOUR SPIRIT!
Now I want you to engrave these words into your head. Write them on the wall in the bathroom. Put them as a reminder on your phone. Paste them on your bedroom ceiling. Not everything needs a reaction, again, not everything needs a reaction. You will come across many different attitudes and opinions, pick your battles. It is ok to not respond to that text, stay quiet when someone screams or walk away from someone. Everyone is fighting their own battle and not everything they say is what they really think about you, sometimes those words go deeper for them.
Today these words popped up on your phone, sometimes you see these things for a reason, and I believe this is something you should read again. You have a natural radiance and charisma that can inspire others. Not only do you have many talents and skills, but you are also able to access them quickly and solve problems by making things up as you go. You are a smart a woman who has many talents and can build your self up to be many great things. Focus. You have made many goals for your self and you let them fade away just before they take off or you let other people’s opinions get in your way. Stop doing this. Keep working towards your goals and do not let anyone tell you anything about it. Your story and your journey are yours and you can take it whichever way you want. You can share it with whomever you want, and it is no bodies business. It does not make you a weak person nor does it make you a bad person. And ask as many questions as you want! This is how you learn and anyone who has an issue with that can go to hell!
Family – your family is not perfect, but be patient. God gave them to you for a reason. Your parents love you. Your sister loves you. Your cousins love you. They worry and only want the best for you. Stop pushing them away.
You deserve so much in life. You are a deserving person. You’ve put so much time and effort into so many things you deserve a great life. Most importantly you deserve happiness. Go get it, set your example for your babies and do not let anyone get in your way.
Lastly, always remember that I love you. I love you with my whole heart and I will always be here for you. Now hug more, kiss more, smile more and live your life for you.
Love always,